Reasons To Choose Chiropractic Care In Treating Your Sciatica

Sciatica is quite a painful condition in which the muscles close to the sciatic nerve swell and become inflamed. The discomfort often only affects one side of the body and can be anything from irritating to incapacitating. Herniated discs and other spinal disorders like spinal stenosis can both lead to sciatica. Many treatments are available for sciatica, and Chiropractic Care from Nantais Family Chiropractic at Elevation Health, Canada, is one such effective treatment for sciatica.

You must be thinking about why to choose Chiro care even after having many other treatment options. Having emerged as an alternative treatment to traditional therapies, Chiropractic Care has been a widely preferred treatment option in recent years. This blog will discuss some important reasons to choose chiropractic care in treating your sciatica. Before jumping into the detailed discussion, we must mention that Dr Brian Nantais is a skilled chiropractor who can treat your sciatica pain effectively, so if you want any help, feel free to contact us today.

Now let’s dig deeper into the topic:-

  1. Subluxation Technique
  2. Chiropractic Massage
  3. Personalized Stretching Program
  4. No Drugs Needed 

Subluxation Technique:

The subluxation technique is the primary method chiropractors like Dr Brian Nantais use to treat sciatica. Spinal manipulation or spinal adjustment are common terms used to describe this therapy.

In this technique, chiropractors adjust joints and vertebrae with light pressure and little force. A Chiropractic Adjustment involves quick movements that initially could feel frightening. However, the alleviation may come right away.

This treatment aims to realign the spine to its initial alignment, relieving pressure on the sciatic nerve. Inflammation, discomfort, and numbness lessen, and the muscles surrounding the sciatic nerve can heal.

A chiropractor might use a mechanical traction table after your pain has subsided to assist in reestablishing blood flow between the vertebrae. By further decompressing the space between your vertebrae, this procedure increases your spine’s range of motion.

Chiropractic Massage:

Your spine is just one part of the musculoskeletal system focused on during a chiropractic massage. Chiropractors are well-versed in anatomy and spinal health.

The focus of spa therapists is largely on entire-body relaxation and soft tissue massage. They lack the equipment required to deal with a compressed nerve or a spine alignment. A chiropractor will massage your troublesome regions to relax them before an adjustment.

Personalized Stretching Program:

Chiropractors might recommend a series of stretches that can aid in building your back, hip, and buttock muscles. They may advise you on the best stretches to do while healing and how to do them. Stretching aims to maintain flexibility in the muscles and prevent further spine compression, and stretching also helps these muscles get stronger and provide better support.

No Drugs Needed:

Over-the-counter painkillers can treat sciatica pain. In extreme circumstances, patients need prescription medicine to lessen their discomfort. However, after visiting Nantais Family Chiropractic for treatment, you might not need any medication. One objective of Chiropractic Care is to prevent drug dependence.

Chiropractic care seeks to treat the cause of the pain rather than just the primary symptom of sciatica, which is pain. You can experience internal healing that is frequently permanent by addressing the underlying cause of your discomfort. 


The time to see a well-trained chiropractor like Dr Brian Nantais for sciatica is when the pain and numbness get out of control. Normal movement is restored, and this kind of treatment eases nerve pressure. If you live in Canada and want the best chiropractic care, contact Nantais Family Chiropractic at Elevation Health to schedule a consultation.

Sciatica is a pain that you feel along your sciatica nerve that runs from your lower back to both legs.
